Auto’s verkopen in het buitenland, het blijft oppassen geblazen!
18 september 2023, PaulEen Peugeot diesel is wellicht meer in trek in het buitenland en minder in ons land!
Naast de Ligier Store Doesburg hebben we sinds kort een nieuwe showroom waar wij ‘normale’ gebruikte auto’s verkopen. Ik heb het over de Experience Store Doesburg. Qua naam anders dan Ligier, andere ingang ook, maar wel hetzelfde gebouw. En natuurlijk een andere website: Experiencestoredoesburg.nl
Wij adverteren onze voorraad landelijk via de bekende kanalen zoals Marktplaats, Autoscout24, Autotrack en ViaBOVAG. Wij zijn aan het kijken of wij ook over de grens kunnen verkopen. Een Peugeot diesel is wellicht meer in trek in het buitenland en minder in ons land!
Zoals altijd moet je in het zakendoen blijven oppassen voor lieden die de zwakke plekken in je organisatie willen benutten en proberen je op te lichten!
Zondag kreeg ik een lead via Autoscout24 uit Duitsland voor onze rode Lynk & Co. Zie onderstaande aanvraag.

Op zich een normale en relevante vraag waar ik direct, ook al was het zondag, op reageerde met het volgende antwoord (1):
Hi mr ………..
Thanks for your inquiry, and yes the car is still available!
How can I help you? Testdrive, quotation?
Paul de Vries | Team Ligier Store Doesburg Experience Store Doesburg
Waarop dit antwoord volgt:
Thank you for the answer, what is the condition and the last price in EUR.
Waarop ik antwoord (2):
The conditions are great! Especially with the new painted wheels!
We do the sales maintenance and then you are ready to go for € 32.995,- We will not charge the € 495 delivery fee.
Can we make an appointment?
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
We agree on price and condition, I come from Germany and buy the car for my brother in Spain, but I currently work at sea and mobile phone calls are not allowed here due to my work as a sailboat technician.
Please send me your full name and address for the calculation of shipping costs.
Waarop ik antwoord (3):
H, it is great that you are doing it for your brother in Spain!
We are located at:
Experience Store Doesburg BV
Leigraafseweg 15
6983BR Doesburg
Because we have high demand for our Red Edition, to hold it for you, we would need the following below:
- Name and address
- Signature on sales contract
- Copie ID (driving licence)
- Down payment of € 1.500.-
We can help you with the export papers and export licence plates with insurance if needed.
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
Thank you for the answer and I will now forward the address to MAERSK to calculate the collection fee, please send me your bank details for payment and my private shipping company will take care of all formalities and necessary documents.
I can confidently send you my valid identity card so you have all my information.
Please provide me with your bank details so that I can proceed with the payment.
- Name of the account holder:
- E-mail address of the account holder;
- Iban:
- Price:
Hier begint het al raar te worden, aan de andere kant, Maersk kennen we voor transport, en de vragen die hij stelt, staan gewoon op de website.
Mijn antwoord (4):
Name of the account holder: Experience Store Doesburg
E-mail address of the account holder; paul@ligierstoredoesburg.nl
Iban: ……..
Price: 32.995,-
Down Payment: € 1.500,-
So, for the shipping company. They provide us, a “vrijwaringsbewijs” from the RDW (Dutch government) and we deliver the car from our facility.
To make the sales contract, I need your information, and copie ID card, please
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
Okay, thank you very much, I will proceed with the payment today if I am less busy. Please contact me when you receive the payment notification so that we can arrange the pick-up schedule and the representative of a private carrier with your power of attorney at the pick-up.
Enclosed you will find my valid identity card so that you have my data. I want you to come back with your ID so that I can get to know you better.
Please delete the ad on the website as you have decided to sell it to me.
Mijn antwoord(5):
Hi …..
The best way to know me, is to search on the internet: Paul de Vries Automotive”
The ad will stay up actually, so we can attract more people, for the Red Edition Wrap. We can wrap any Lynk & Co, and now we have the example! When paid and delivered the ad is down.
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
Okay thank you and the payment will be done soon.
Ik ga er vanuit dat de koper de € 1.500,- aanbetaalt, zoals besproken. Het loopt toch iets anders…..
Payment has been made as you can now check your inbox/spam email for the payment confirmation email from my bank. I have transferred the total amount of 34.100 euros which is made up of 33.000 euros for the item and the carrier’s collection fee of 1.100 euros which also covers the name and ownership change fee on arrival at your place. In order for my bank to complete the transaction to release the money transferred to your account, you will need to transfer the additional 1.100 euros to the freight forwarder’s account that the bank told you about in the payment confirmation email via SEPA transfer, and then reply to the bank with the SEPA transfer receipt as proof of payment, so that they can check it and release the full amount transferred to your account, which includes the shipping fee of 1.100 euros – but if you have not yet received a payment confirmation e -mail from my bank in your inbox, you can search for the message in your spam.
Below you will find the bank details for the bank transfer.
iban::: IT54K………..
Please contact the bank with the picture of the payment transaction for proof so that you can have the total amount in your account today.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Please transfer the money as soon as possible so that we can process everything quickly.
I am waiting to read from you to finalise the transfer
Yours sincerely.
En dit is dan het betalingsbewijs:
Mijn antwoord:
I only need the down payment of 1.500 euros. With a real payment, not an email. We are not going to pay anything for shipping purposes.
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
Please listen carefully. According to the e-mail I previously received from the shipping company, which allows your collection to contact your pick-up address immediately after receiving the shipping costs, I am held responsible for the collection fee charged for the return in addition to the total amount of the item fee, and understand the carrier’s service policy that the seller should process an online payment transfer by Sepa bank transfer to protect both the seller and the buyer to ensure that both parties conclude the purchase contract in good faith, in order to avoid unplanned appointments their experience with the transport, as some customers are disappointed and the time of their Agents waste on arrival by rejecting or cancelling transactions that can no longer be completed.
I trust that you have sent the payment and now you must have read and understood the payment confirmation email from AIbank, but I also want you to know and understand that AIbank has its terms and conditions, as they need to check whether you have really processed the payment online deposit to the sender IBAN so that it can be validated and approved before you deposit your money into your account to AIbank has already debited your money from my account and I can never get it back because the money is already yours.
Mijn antwoord:
I am not interested in this kind of deals.
Waarop dit antwoord weer volgt:
I want you to understand that the sum of 34.100€ have been deducted from my account and it has been credited on your account but still on hold at the bankportal, so you have to pay the shipping fee of 1.100 EUR on MAERSK SHIPPING COMPANY agent Iban details given to you and get back to the bank with the receipt of 1.100€ shipping fee transfer for the verification and the sum of 34.100 EUR will be credited on your account immediately the verification process have been completed, kindly proceed with the 1.100 EUR shipping fee transfer now and get back to the bank with slip so the transaction can be completed on time.
Expecting your responses soon .
Mijn antwoord:
Op dat moment had ik al direct een escalatie gemaakt naar Autoscout, met de melding dat dit e-mailadres een scam is. Ze hebben het de man meteen onmogelijk gemaakt om nog iets op het platform te kunnen doen. Zoals zo vaak, zijn grote platforms een spiegel van de maatschappij, waar sommigen blijkbaar graag een ander willen oplichten.
Aan de andere kant, ik kreeg pas argwaan toen het ging om een broer in Spanje, terwijl hij zelf op een boot zit zonder telefoon… Daarna was ik op mijn hoede en zorgde ik ervoor dat ik geen informatie gaf, die me kon schaden. Ik verstrekte alleen informatie die op de website staat.
Daarna is het kijken hoe de scam zich ontwikkelt en op welke wijze de oplichter het probeert. Het lijkt verdacht veel op die e-mails uit Afrika over een erfenis van miljoenen die pas vrij wordt gegeven na betaling van een X bedrag. Je vindt die berichten vast wel eens in je spam.
Natuurlijk de vraag wat ik anders had kunnen doen. Ik had meteen kunnen stoppen toen ik argwaan kreeg, want zoals zo vaak in het leven; als iets te goed is om waar te zijn, is het meestal niet waar.
Maar ik heb bij Nieuweautokopen.nl zo ontzettend veel auto’s verkocht met alleen maar online communicatie, dat dit ook weer niet heel raar was. Zeker niet met een Lynk & Co die overal hetzelfde is: zwart of blauw. En de onze is rood en trekt de aandacht. Ook van oplichters, helaas.