Are there more people looking for a convertible when the weather is sunny?
25 januari 2018, PaulDoes the weather affect the search behavior online?
The last weeks (June) were exceptionally good in terms of weather! Sunshine, blue sky, you would almost think of buying a convertible… But is the customer in the market for a convertible with this weather? At Marktplaats we have done a deep dive in the data and what appears… the weather indeed has a lot of influence on the search behavior of people on this type of car!
More viewings
Firstly, there are significantly more people ‘looking’ at convertibles. Now, I know that you are not interested in viewers, but that you are only interested in buyers, only interested in every marketing funnel, you first have a reason, the weather, to turn viewers into prospects and ultimately into buyers. You can see very clearly in the graph below that as soon as the weather turns sunny, more people look for, and daydream about, a beautiful convertible! Most viewed convertible? The Porsche 911.
More leads too?
If you want more buyers, then you first need more viewers, who came as a supercharger to Marktplaats to look for convertibles. But did they also result in more leads, and therefore more buyers? The answer is yes! When the weather is sunny, you have both more viewers and more leads that ultimately result in more sales. The increased number of leads leads is not as high as the number of viewers, but nevertheless significantly more than on a normal day, without a clear blue sky! It therefore pays off to pay more intention to your convertibles in stock, for example on Marktplaats, when the weather is sunny, because there are demonstrably more viewers that can become buyers!
About Paul de Vries
Paul de Vries became a Key Automotive Spokesperson at eBay (Marketplace) after selling Nieuweautokopen.nl to eBay back in 2015. Paul is the founder and CEO of the #DCDW Academy and the presenter of the #DCDW Podcast. He is also a by dealers and importers frequently asked speaker in the online automotive industry. Paul is the winner of the prestigious Lighthouse Award 2016 in the U.S.! `Lead the Way op de digitale snelweg’ is Paul’s new book, which can be used as a guide in the online automotive industry. More information is available at: DCDW.nl.