Check out our latest blogs below!
Check out our latest blogs below!
Name recognition is a currency Brand dealers and independent car companies can bring in visitors to their digital website showroom through various avenues. Advertisements are the historical fallback position, but dealers also use Google Ads, portals, local media, and regional radio. All of these advertising channels have one thing in common: they cost money and […]
Difference in http and https website destroys your insight into your marketing investments as a car company! Many of today’s conversations and discussions concern the value of portals. These conversations are so persistent that BOVAG thought it was time to come up with their own portal. That should become a portal that should be of […]
The speed of lead follow-up is important, but the it’s the quality that really matters! The clock is the most common unit of measurement for OEM’s to check the lead follow-up at their dealers. But is that the right measurement method? Of course, a fast follow-up is important, but the conversion is actually even more […]
The difference between good and bad photos on Marktplaats Nice (little) research about good and bad photos on Marktplaats. Recently, dealers and car companies have invested more than ever in photo studios and other hardware to make even better pictures of their cars. For example, beautiful 360 degree views are no longer an exception. The […]
If you want to sell more cars, you don’t always need more leads On a daily basis I talk to sales staff about the follow-up of online and call leads and there is never a salesperson who wants to deliberately do this in a bad way. On the contrary, everyone has the intention to do […]
Searching for and using Voice apps will increase explosively In the coming years you will notice that more and more things that are now done online, by using a mouse or keyboard, will become voice-controlled. Look at the car industry: many cars already have a certain form of voice recognition. It does not always work […]
A BDC is not a solution for higher conversions This sentence may sound a bit off coming from me as my company #DCDW provides a number of BDC / CCC services to various importers and dealer holdings. Nevertheless, I think we should conduct the discussion. Let’s take a look at some developments in the Netherlands […]
The sales manager should be in charge! The blog title is a line I heard in a podcast of Autodealerlive by Bill Whittenmyer. From the moment I heard the quote, it is even clearer to me that you should deal with online leads in a better way. Of course, we do know that we need […]
Missed leads because of unnecessary fields on your website Dealer websites are getting better and better as parties such as DTC, Autodata and Marble invest more and more in platforms, techniques and people. However, that doesn’t mean that the conversion of visitors to leads will also improve. In fact, in 2018 people will be more […]
Calldrip Inc gives you a look at the data of over 400.000 leads! Recently, #DCDW became the proud distributor of Calldrip, a tool that allows quick and direct contact with customers and prospects who apply via an online lead form. It works like this: a visitor requests a quotation for a used car via the […]