

Check out our latest blogs below!

Is Carvana a kind of a Ponzifraud?
14 juni 2022

Is Carvana a kind of a Ponzifraud?

Carvana is in tough weather, very tough weather! Yesterday, the company announced that 12% of its staff will be laid off and that the management team will no longer receive a salary. This is because their share price has fallen 90% from its peak. Also announced: Carvana acquired  ADESA’s physical auction business, #2 in America, for $2.2B to expand its used car capacity. How is this possible? Read it in this blog!

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My experience: 4 days NADA Las Vegas 2022!
4 mei 2022

My experience: 4 days NADA Las Vegas 2022!

It is over! My 10th NADA, if I’m right, and it was back to normal! There was practically nothing to notice about Corona. This was also reflected in the energy of those present. You just felt that everyone was craving an event that for once is not taking place on a screen. But what was my experience? Read it in this blog!

You just felt that everyone was craving an event that for once is not taking place on a screen.

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It will not go easy anymore!
12 april 2022

It will not go easy anymore!

I started when State Secretary Wijn thought it normal that private individuals should pay 518% more road tax for their company cars. I felt this was a bomb under a business model, but I was wrong. I was guilty of focusing too much on a market that apparently wasn’t as steadfast as it first seemed. The lobby of the Bovag was so weak at the time and that was the reason for me to write my first blog. What was useful is that, then and now, I write more easily when I’m frustrated, and a habit was born. At the time, it wasn’t called content or influencer marketing yet, but that economic dip certainly gave me new opportunities.

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Do you focus on the lead or on the dialogue?
22 maart 2022

Do you focus on the lead or on the dialogue?

My company’s existence was created around optimizing online leads. So, as far as I am concerned, there cannot be enough leads! I don’t want to discount the importance of an effective dialogue because that is another critical part of the sale. But the more online leads there are, the more I can help dealers prosper. Whether it concerns training, consulting, or the use of Calldrip, there are always advantages and advice I can offer through my business. But consider this question: are we living in an outdated world? Is directing the online customer to fill out a static lead form the best communication option we can offer?

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Why Apple Maps is important for car companies!
1 maart 2022

Why Apple Maps is important for car companies!

When we go on long shopping trips, I always use Apple Maps for navigation to the stores. To get from Point A to Point B, I have different choices: Mercedes Navigation, Waze, Google Maps, Flitsmeister Maps but also Apple Maps. However, I use the latter option. The issue I have with Waze is that I can’t zoom out. This is possible with Apple Maps and Maps. If I also turn on Flitsmeister, I’m ready to go! But why is Apple Maps so important? Read more about it in this blog!

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Management buy in: what’s the most important thing you should do daily?
9 februari 2022

Management buy in: what’s the most important thing you should do daily?

To properly manage salespeople, you have to work with them. Not only in a weekly meeting, but daily. You are their manager, coach, and their trainer. In my work as an external trainer/coach at dealerships in the Netherlands, and also in other countries, I am expected to convince the salespeople that they can perform better. Even after a few sessions with sales managers. I can still see that the attention is slackening, things are getting stale with the sales team and the issues of the day reign. Cause? The manager’s disinterest in working with salespeople on a daily basis.

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The importance of follow up emails
19 januari 2022

The importance of follow up emails

When you receive a lead on a new or used car, you can call or email the customer. Historically, the first rule when responding to an online lead is: “call first, then email” However, if you can’t get in touch with the customer by phone, what should your email say?

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Today’s car company needs a manager!
5 januari 2022

Today’s car company needs a manager!

Sales managers find themselves overly busy with a wide variety of tasks. Unfortunately, the task of ‘managing their salespeople successfully’ does not often make it to the top of the manager’s to-do list. 

The team at our company speaks to salespeople and their sales managers on a daily basis. This is fun, yet sometimes frustrating. Frustrating because we see that the follow-up of leads and proposals has to be stimulated and managed by the sales manager. And it is obvious that this is not happening, or alternatively, it is not happening enough.

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The disadvantage of a seperate online lead sales team!
9 december 2021

The disadvantage of a seperate online lead sales team!

Does a separate online lead sales team seem to be a disadvantage? Many dealerships are thinking about designating one, or even several people, to follow up on warm online leads. That’s something I personally wouldn’t recommend. Having the salesperson interact with the warm lead is your best chance at selling a car. If a potential customer raises his or her hand online and sends out buying signals, you should opt to put this warm lead in contact with the sales specialist as soon as possible.

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Passive leads: Why passive online lead follow-up is not a seller’s task!
1 december 2021

Passive leads: Why passive online lead follow-up is not a seller’s task!

Passive leads are customers who have not yet entered the purchase process or are in the early stages. This category includes, for example, customers whose lease contract expires in six months, customers who are contacted 12, 24, or 36 months after purchase for satisfaction follow up, and, any customer whose historical data indicates they are in a time frame to consider a vehicle purchase to replace their current vehicle. Because the initiative for the contact does not lie with the customer and the customer does not expect a call, the likelihood for a sales discussion is very slim. These kinds of leads do not belong to a salesperson. Not today, not tomorrow, never!

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